Our bodies react and respond in an indistinct manner when we are stressed.  In small doses, stress has many advantages. For instance, stress can help you meet daily challenges and motivates you to reach your goals. However, too much stress can be unhealthy. It can prevent the person to perform efficiently. Stress has a forcible effect to weight gain. It triggers the release of a cascade of chemicals, including adrenaline, CRH, and cortisol. Overeating or eating unhealthy foods in response to stress or as a way to calm down is a very common response.

How To Battle Stress

Stress affects the personality of a person—his mental ability and sound judgement. It puts his social, emotional, spiritual and physical life in jeopardy. Worst, it can lead to serious health problems like phobias, heart problems and high blood pressure. The key to combat stress is to manage it. If you can balance your needs and your abilities, there will be less room for stress.  Engage in leisurely activities like taking on a yoga class, walking with your dog to relieve the stress and helps you feel refreshed. By this, you can think more clearly and will improve your mood making you less likely to overeat.

Weight Gain From Stress

  • Cortisol – The key reason that some people with anxiety have trouble managing their weight is because of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is released during times of stress, which means that it’s also released during anxiety. Cortisol causes fat to build up around the midsection, and is one of the primary reasons that those with stress have trouble maintaining their weight.
  • Overeating – In some people, anxiety can also trigger excess eating. This may occur for two reasons. First, some people find that food provides a valuable coping tool, because it may release endorphins which improve the mood. Second, some people experience more hunger when they’re stressed. Not everyone experiences either of these reactions, which is why not everyone gains weight. The differences may also be very subtle, and you may not realize you’re eating more than you used to.
  • Immobility – In addition, some people find that anxiety is very draining. They may sleep more, or they may sit at home more than they used to. This level of inactivity means that they’re burning fewer calories, which in turn means they gain more weight.

Ignored for years, chronic stress can take its toll. When we latched ourselves into this continued state of stress, we will be doomed to a total burnout. Since diet is something that we can manage, it is the first step that we can take to cope up with stress. A program like the MELT (Metabolic Enhanced Lipolitic Therapy) Diet is designed to reactivate the metabolism and truly burn body fat, which is stored by heavy Cortisol levels caused from stress. This is just one of the too many weight loss programs currently being offered by Medshape. A weight loss diet that can effectively increase the activity of enzymes allowing your body to produce energy. By increasing the activity of these enzymes, the accelerated rate of fat metabolism can be achieved. Also this happens without creating nervousness, jittery feelings, elevated blood pressure or increased heart rate.

Is Stress Making You Fat? Take our MELT Stress Test now!

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