My 2-year old and me, enjoying lunch together. This would be an ideal meal for my current weight loss nutrition plan!
This has been a good week. Making the decision to go to the MedShape Weight Loss and take the 1st steps towards a ‘healthier me’ has drastically improved my mood and opinion of myself. I know there will be countless challenges but I am ready to take them on. I’m tired of only posting the ‘good’ pictures… you know, the ones that I look less fat in. :-/ My biggest concern is with weight loss nutrition… that’s my personal challenge. I’ve tried before but have a hard time figuring out how to change my eating habits and successfully implement the changes.
There are so many different weight loss nutrition ideas out there… low fat, low calorie, high fat, high protein, etc… which one should I choose?! The low fat and low calorie seem to involve a bunch of chemically enhanced ingredients. Booh. The high fat… just doesn’t seem like a good idea. Fortunately, when I went through the initial consult at MedShape Weight Loss, my consultant laid out nutrition goals that were easy to understand. Their guidelines were developed using solid medical research, but are also commonsensical. Thank goodness.
So let me go back to the beginning. I’ll start to walk you through my experience.
After talking to friends about their success on the program and how much they liked their weight loss nutrition plan, I set-up a free consultation (immediately, so I couldn’t make excuses and put it off longer). Then, I proceeded to pig out on all my favorite bad foods for a few days (haha) to get ready to take the plunge. I think I feared feeling deprived so, much like a squirrel, I was preparing for the long haul. By the time the day came for my appointment, I was grossed out on unhealthy eating. haha Anyway, I arrived a few minutes early, was greeted with a warm smile and was still seen almost immediately. (That’s a nice change from most doctors’ offices.)
My consultant, Brittany, took me back to a room and had me start filling out basic medical history paperwork while she got me some water. When she returned, we talked a bit so that she, and the rest of the MedShape Weight Loss staff, would know how to best help me. It quickly became apparent that weight loss nutrition was my biggest concern so when we began to go over the MedShape Weight Loss nutrition guidelines in detail. After a brief explanation of the way the body burns fat and muscle, Brittany started in on the food recommendation. She gave me a moderate amount of paperwork, which broke down my daily recommended intake for weight loss nutrition. It featured 4 color coded columns that clearly tell you about recommended proteins, veggies and fruits. The foods in the green charts are allowed in unlimited quantities. The yellow charts allow up to 4 servings, the red chart allows 2 servings, and the blue protein charts recommend 4-6 servings. That’s it. It’s that simple. You can even eat up to 2000 calories if you want!
Now I understand why my friend said she doesn’t get hungry on this program. Still, I’m pretty motivated right now so I’m going to use MyFitnessPal to monitor my food intake and limit it to 1200 calories. Wish me luck!
Somewhere in the appointment, we took my current weight and height. I kinda wish they’d have offered to take a ‘before’ pic to put in my file but that wasn’t part of their routine (so I took my own at home). We also talked about their product line, which features protein shakes, drinks, bars, cereals, supplements, and more. I expected there to be more of a sales pitch here but there wasn’t. In fact, I was told that I could be successful without the products but that they were there if I wanted the convenience, variety, or extra boost. Because I am super motivated and want all 3 of those things, I ended up getting a variety of protein drinks and bars, which I’m sure I’ll blog about in the near future, as I try them.
I feel lucky to the MedShape Weight Loss staff helping me with my goals. I need the structure of their weight loss nutrition guidelines as well as support and accountability!
We’ll see how it goes…
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