Firm Up Your Chubby Cheeks

Are you conscious about chubby cheeks? Excessive face fat can sometimes be an embarrassing problem. Want to know how to lose face fat? There are simple techniques you can do such as these effective facial exercises that will help slim down that face.

Lip Pulling

One of the most helpful facial workouts to lose face fat. Try to practice this exercise regularly to help lift the face muscles up and start looking young with a prominent jaw and lofted cheekbones.

  • Begin either standing or sitting straight.
  • Push the lower jaw out and try to raise the lower lip up to the extent you can lift.
  • Feel the stretch and strain in the chin and jaw line.
  • Stay in this posture for 10-15 seconds and then relax.
  • Repeat the process ten times a day.

Chin Lift

This facial exercise is useful to lose face fat and for treating double chin. It helps in stretching the muscles of throat, neck, and jaw. But you should only use your lips while performing the exercise.

  • Can be performed in both sitting and standing position
  • Tilt your head, look up towards the ceiling and keep your eyes towards it.
  • Now tighten your lips such that you are kissing the ceiling.
  • Stay in the position for 10 seconds; repeat the exercise 10 times a day.

Jaw Release

  • An effective method to get high cheekbones and beautiful jaw line, this exercise does the stretching of the muscles of cheeks, jaws, and lips.
  • Settle yourself in a straight position (sitting or standing will do)
  • Move the jaws as if chewing but keep the mouth closed.
  • Now take a deep breath and slowly take the breath out.
  • Then open the mouth wide such that the bottom teeth press your tongue.
  • Maintain this position for minimum 5 seconds then breathe in and breathe out.
  • Repeat the process for ten times.

Fish Like Face

This is probably the most efficient and easiest exercise for chubby cheeks. Whether you are watching television or listening to the songs, you can do it anywhere and anytime. This exercise makes the cheek muscles toned, and the fat of the face is reduced quickly.

  • Suck the lips and cheeks inside the mouth.
  • Now try to smile in this position and stay in the posture for 5 seconds.
  • Feel the warmth on the jaws and cheeks.
  • Repeat the exercise daily for ten times.

Air Blowing Exercise

This helps in the removal of fatty cheeks and reducing double chin. In this exercise, all the facial and neck muscles worked together to tone the muscles and provide lift to the face naturally.

  • Try to blow a balloon.
  • Free the balloon and blow it again.
  • Do this ten times in one set, and you can repeat three sets of blowing balloon exercise with 3-10 minute intervals for good results.

Stretching The Face Muscles

  • Lower your chin such that it starts touching your chest.
  • Pull your skin below the cheekbones as much as you can.
  • Now try to pronounce “Ah” and stay in static position for some time.
  • Repeat the procedure minimum three times in a day to lose face fat effectively.


The best exercise for any facial problem! We all know that smiling is great for our health and we don’t need any reason to smile. A smile stretches the muscle of your cheeks which naturally helps in losing the fat.

Facial Massage

A Regular massage can reduce a certain amount of the facial fats and it tighten the skin by enhancing the oxygen and blood circulation.

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