It’s hot, Hot, HOT… summer has hit! As heat scorches across the country, bringing in the 4th of July and family vacations, I decided I needed to find some low carb summer snacks that will help me cool down while satisfying my sweet tooth. Here is a short list of what I’ve tried and liked so far. I’ll add more as the summer progresses and I experiment more!
Chocolate Berries – Who doesn’t like fruit dipped in chocolate? There are ways to enjoy this delicious treat, even while sticking to your MedShape nutrition plan. It’s the easiest and quickest of low carb summer snacks that I’ve found so far.
Frozen Chocolate Berries – Just measure out a cup of halved strawberries or raspberries, as allowed for your daily fruit serving, and dip them in Walden Farms Chocolate Dip. It’s delicious and can be eaten frozen or fresh!
Zoku Quick Pop – strawberry protein shake w/ strawberries, avocado w/ almond milk & 3 drops of liquid stevia, & raspberry.
Zoku Quick Pops – Ok, so I jumped on the Zoku Quick Pops band wagon and bought one a couple of weeks ago. Why? It’s been a fun, challenging experiment to make healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner foods so I figured it would be even better to make healthy, instant ice cream pops! As expected, it’s been a blast for me (and my 2-year old) so far. We’ve made many different low carb summer snacks with it and I’m always surprised how fast come out. Literally, you have the craving and in less than 10 minutes, you have your ice cream bar!
Healthy Zoku Quick Pop Hint – just take your favorite low carb protein shake and dice some fruit to put in it. After we experiment a bit more, I’ll post a blog of Low Carb Zoku recipes.
Frozen Smoothies – Smoothies and green smoothies have been a hit in my house for a few years. They never helped me lose weight though until I went through the MedShape Weight Loss consultation and realized I was adding the wrong things to them. They were not the healthy, low carb summer snacks that I thought them to be. I adjusted a few recipes to include only the allowed fruits and veggies, though, and they’re now a healthier hit! Add ice to them and you’ve got an instant frozen smoothie or “shake” as my 2-year old calls them. He loves them, too, and it’s an easy way to get raw spinach and other veggies into his lil body!
Favorite Smoothie Combination – 1 c strawberries or 1/2 small apple, 1 c spinach, 1/2 c cucumber, 1/2 avocado, 1 c water and some ice
So, the summer heat has brought out a lot of new experimenting with foods and delicious cool down treats. We’ll be adding more to the blog, as we discover them. If you have any suggestions for low carb summer snacks, we’d love to hear them!
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